Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My Scripture Meditation Journey.

As you're probably already familiar with, meditation is a highly encouraged spiritual discipline. When you say meditation, the image that comes to one's head is a Buddhist monk in a lotus position chanting some words continuously and carefully breathing in and out. In my faith as a Christian, meditation is hardly encouraged or even talked about. This is rather unfortunate because it is the only way to completely manifest to the physical realm the gifts gained upon our reception of the Holy Spirit. I came to this after being so TIRED and wornout in my walk. Trying to be a good Christian by my own efforts. It was hard and still is. I came to a point where I knew change had to happen. The Lord through the Holy Spirit brought a new revelation to me. For many weeks, I had been listening to Andrew Wommack's "effortless change" but never really listened. It was like God was leading me to it out of desperation. It has become clear to me that listening to God's word is not the same hearing God's word. (explanation to this will come later). It was after the Lord led me to this sermon that I finally knew what had to change. God revealed himself to me and I am glad to say that I have embarked on Journey to getting to know him. So the question that you might be wanting to ask is "why didn't you know the Lord?" My simple answer is NO. The reason being knowing the lord is certainly not the same as knowing of him (which normally comes second hand from sermons and teachings of other people). I have learned over these past few days that knowledge of the Lord that is described in scripture is a deeper word meaning (having experiential knowledge of him). Im not sure what this whole journey is going to be about but all I can say is practicing Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2, isn't a walk in the park. It takes a lot to silent the mind, the heart and even your ears just to focus on scripture. My first day was good but the second day wasn't easy. I might document more about this as time goes on. Thanks for reading. God's love and Happiness Peace GLAHP

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