Sunday, February 23, 2014

The STUFF I love

If you are a girl like me then Im sure you like clothes. You probably have a pinterest board clouded with beautiful pictures of how your dream closet should look like. You have a style that defines who you are and what you're about.  You probably have accumulated stuff that help make to the outside world clear what you are all about.
Don't get me wrong when i say I love things I don't just love the quantity but love craftsmanship and the effort some people take to ensure I enjoy a garment or pair of shoots.
So yes I adore my stuff….all of them.
So when someone decided to make my STUFF their STUFF, i felt justified in going crunk!
This person took a lot from me and made me feel paranoid for possibly wrongly accusing them of theft. But after the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and ask me not to go looking in their stuff (which I obeyed), I found out later this person had in fact taken my stuff. So Yes that got me really MAD!!!!
I said God I want them out of my life NOW!! Make them disappear like yesterday!!! I went about my apartment like a mad old woman…calling my mother on the other side of the world and yelling at her on the phone. Blaming her for being too overtly kind and overtly open to the detriment of us her children. And this is one thing i ALWAYS blame my parents for. Letting people come to our homes during out childhood days and letting them have free reign to do whatever they saw fit.

I got my iPhone and started to get together the NASTIEST MEANEST text ever. I was ruthless. But just as I was about to hit send the Holy Spirit came back and admonished me to stop a second time. I recognized and decided to STOP.

So this brings me to the many topic of discussion. My strong hold on things YES material things aka STUFF (as alluded above)

Yes STUFF! How I love my STUFF. Those little idols that have taken such space in my heart and in my apartment. Im justified into thinking that if I own them, then they need to be kept well secured…seriously i have some stuff dating back to high school days. I am not a hoarder but I have a strong tendency to treat my stuff like they have a soul of their own. Like they are my children. I don't lend my stuff neither do I borrow. I don't want anybody's STUFF but mine so I do all I can to hold on to what I already have…which i love almost too much.
 But the truth is these earthily possessions are just things..things that perish. The only thing that doesn't  perish is love…and love according to 1 Corinthians bears all things, believes all things, is patient and kind. Qualities I don't naturally exude when it comes to my things.

My prayer this week is for God to help me tone down my clinginess and worship of things. I want Jesus to help put in right order the priorities of my life ….being Godly and doing the right thing comes before any anger or emotion I feel. Doing the right thing even and especially when I feel very justified in reacting to a situation. Yes this anger stirred by my someone taking my STUFF has cost me a lot.
i LOST my temper BIG time. Sounded like a tiger and couldn't even reason with my even tempered mother as she tried to calm me down on the phone. Yes I did lose a lot….almost 200 plus dollars worth of stuff but I should have acted better (cos I knew better than to let that upset me). This weekend was ruined by all of this drama and Im not getting my 3 lovely days back.

I am GLAD that I listened to the Holy Spirit cos I would have acted a fool and completely been impulsive about the whole situation and of course would have regretted afterwards.

Where in your life are you learning to exhibit self control? How has your experience been and are you listening to the promptings of he Holy Spirit?

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